Tencent Internship

Role: UI/UX Designer

Time: 05/01 2020 — 08/30 2020

Tools Used: Figma, Sketch, Cinema 4D, Adobe Illustrator

I had a Product Designer internship in a big technology company in the summer. My responsibilities are to design the interface in an app about commuting, partnered with research team and 20+ experts to find opportunities and integrate user insights into product strategy and design. My intern started participating in the design support of the "Tencent travel service" WeChat small program project that is on the homepage of the WeChat payment function with 1.1 billion WeChat users in China. At present, the daily active users of this small program have raised from 20000 at the beginning of 2020 to more than 1 million, and the target is 3.5 million by the end of 2020


'Tencent Mobility Service' is a one-stop MaaS (Mobility-as-a-Service) platform that provides consumers with intelligent travel services by connecting various travel modes. It can connect multiple service scenarios and provide online digital experiences such as car owner service, ride code, real-time bus query, and offline services such as refueling and proxy driving.



Our team identified people who regularly commute to work as our target, and we used multiple design methods to conduct research and provide a solution to the problem with mobile app.



I participate in identify the target users, the related scenario, problems and solutions with 2 other user experience designer in order to find out is there any feature that we can add or any exsiting features that we can improve to improve the users’ experience.

  • First of all, we define three target users (with different genders, different ages, different lifestyles

    Then, I define scenarios that include before going out, after going out and going to the gas station.

  • Then, I analyze the user's touchpoints based on the scenario: for example, before going out, the user will want to check the weather, map, traffic condition, etc. When dropping off children in the car, users will use the car's touch screen to listen to music, FM.

  • The next step is to state the user behavior based on the touchpoints (such as in the process of sending their children, parents will want to use the map function to see if there is a traffic jam or not and from the aspects of audio entertainment, parents may open children's radio to attract children's attention, or to listen to children's English courses)

    Based on the user's behavior, we further analyzed the user's pain points and opportunities. First, from the aspect of the map, the driver always wants to view the map many times and change the navigation because there is always heavy traffic on the way to school. The opportunities of this problem are to make the "change navigation way" function clearer and more apparent. Another one is that children will often arrive at school in the middle of listening to children's programs, and they will want to listen to the program the next time they are in the car. Therefore, content and information of interest that you want to save need to be easily shared. We add links between car and mobile to enjoy coherent services.


Design System & Info Structure

For the mobile services, my main responsibilities are to design the interfaces and create illustrations and advertisement banners. My design process is to organize the existing basic structure of the mobile app so that both the designer, product manager, and programmer clearly understand the mobile.

By sort through some of the existing design components, I created a design system. This will allow me to have consistent design goals, visual elements, and interactions.

Create Illustrations

I started to make some illustrations and banners for advertisements and main pages based on the "Trip" theme. The goal of the illustrations are for users to increase the sense of fun and freshness.

User Interface

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.


Other pages

I designed other pages including refuel the car , car washing, FAQ and personal profile.

In car user experience

I also participated in establishing the low-fidelity prototype of the in-car FM user interface

Design Keypoints

  • Highlight the core functions of FM

  • Easy to touch and control

  • Need to have essential functions

  • Balance the visual and tactile experience.

In car user experience

I also participated in establishing the low-fidelity prototype of the in-car FM user interface

UI Iterations

I also participated in the UI iteration with car interface designer.

My Internship Life

I had a wonderful experience at Tencent and learned much from the professionals. This experience not only brought me lots of knowledge in the field of design and research but also gave me more confidence in communicating with others. As an intern, I had the chance to organize and host design workshops, invited five China's influenced mobility service designers, and attracted 100+ workmates to join in. I felt grateful to meet with this team.


User Experience Design Intern — Regal Ware


old -- PC Game — Shapetopia